Tag Archives: olafur arnalds

Favourite Albums of 2020 pt 2 of 4

15. “I Slept On The Floor” by Another Sky

Minimal, ethereal post-rock debut from this brilliant London four-piece. For all its melancholia it never deserts melody and somehow manages to embody a sense of hope within the soaring despair. Lead singer Catrin Vincent’s voice may not be to everyone’s taste, though she is amazingly versatile and swings effortlessly from vulnerability to strength.

Start with “Fell In Love With The City

14. “Universal Want” by Doves

Doves’ fifth album, and their first for eleven years, did not disappoint. Troubled lyrics over tightly written melodies that remain rooted in guitar riffs whilst acknowledging the influence of dance music.

Start with album opener “Carousel“.

13. “Floatr” by Happyness

Lush ballads with a strong vein of eccentricity running throughout, this album reminds me of “The Delgados” which is surely no bad thing.

Start with “Vegetable“.

12. “Some Kind Of Peace” by Olafur Arnalds

Coming, as it did, at the end of a terrible year this was music to offer deep solace to anyone struggling. Intensely beautiful, it almost defies description.

Start with “We Contain Multitudes” which might just be sonic perfection.

11. “Have We Met?” by Destroyer

This most inappropriately named band return with album number thirteen! It develops those familiar traits – floating synths, pulsing bass, wry one-liners – and blends them with newer influences to enhance that trademark sense of modern dread. A beguiling listen.

Start with “Crimson Tide“.